If you’re considering purchasing a composting toilet, you’ve no doubt got a lot of questions. The most common question we get asked here at Ecoflo is ‘do composting toilets smell?’

This is a very pertinent question as most people are used to the idea of waste being flushed away and never having to actually deal with it. It makes sense that when you think about your waste being stored, you wonder if it’s going to smell and of course no one wants a stinky bathroom.

Well, we have a very definitive answer for you.

Nope! Composting toilets do not smell

The simple answer is no.

In saying that there are a couple of caveats to this. A composting toilet that is properly maintained does not smell. If there is a smell coming from your composting loo, this indicates that something is wrong or not working properly and we want to fix that ASAP.

Reasons why a composting toilet may smell

There are a few reasons why your composting toilet might smell, below are a few things you will want to check if there’s an unwanted aroma coming from your composting toilet:

  • The exhaust fan has stopped working
  • Your compost pile is too wet
  • You’ve used harsh chemicals to clean your toilet
  • Your compost pile has been exposed to extreme temperatures
    • This can kill off all the good bacteria and microbes in your composting pile

We can’t stress enough that if your composting toilet smells, that something is wrong and you should attempt to troubleshoot what this is. A well maintained composting toilet will not smell. The below products can help keep a clean and healthy composting toilet.

If you are experiencing odours or have any concerns, please Contact Us to speak to a team member for assistance.

120mm 12V Replacement Fan IP68


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Booster Kit


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